
If you want to jump on the Swiss chard bandwagon of health and wellness, our Red Ruby Swiss Chard™ and Green Emerald Swiss Chard® are for you! Both varieties boast the same top quality and shelf-life as all of our other vegetables. Plus, the bright red and green add a pop of color to your plate.

sc What Makes Red Ruby Swiss Chard™ & Green Emerald Swiss Chard® Special:

  • NUTRITION:  Both the Red Ruby Swiss Chard™ and the Green Emerald Swiss Chard® are loaded with vitamins A & C, potassium, fiber and protein.
  • TRENDY: While chard has been around for centuries, it has recently regained mainstream attention due to its nutritious makeup.
  • VERSATILE: Our Swiss chard has a wonderful taste and an enormous variety of applications in all cuisines.
  • COLORIFIC™ FRESH VEGETABLES: Our Red Ruby Swiss Chard™ and Green Emerald Swiss Chard® are sure-fire winners to make every dish special.

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